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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pitching, Plopping, and Dropping: Part Deux

I wish I could say that I have been making 60 foot casts to tailing fish. And that my casts land perfectly on the Carp's dinner plate without disturbing her and then she turns on the fly just like it was part of her lunch.

I'm getting the fly on the dinner plate but it sure as heck ain't with 60 foot casts! Heck, virtually all the fish I have been catching have not even been with 25 foot casts. The water is still high and I am still pitching, plopping and dropping. Fishing water that is usually desert, sage brush, and trees has been the only way to get into fish the last few weeks.

I would much prefer to be casting to tailing fish and making longer casts but for now there is just too much water. Also, since I can wade for hours and not see a true tailing fish I am forced to pitch, plop and drop to sunbathers and slow cruisers. It isn't as fun as casting to tailing fish but catching fish is a whole lot more fun than not catching them so for now I pitch, plop and drop.

I have caught a number of fish in the high teens so I'm not complaining, I just miss the flats I am used to. I'm thinking it is time to return to some of my stillwater Carp roots at least for a day or two.

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